Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise, that increases metabolic rate.
Are you tired of spending hours in the gym or can't seem to fit in a workout with your busy schedule? Try increasing your daily NEAT instead to easily improve weight loss efforts!
The Basics of NEAT
Again, NEAT is an acronym that stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, which is a fancy way to say the calories you burn outside of the gym. Examples of NEAT could include vaccuming the house, cleaning your car, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, playing with your children, and dancing to your favorite music. Even fidgeting at your desk can increase the daily amount of calories you burn! These are just a few suggestions, but the list is endless.
Yes, life gets busy, but there are always way to fit physical activity into your days without going into a gym! Take for example someone who works a desk job then goes home to watch Netflix and chill every night, versus someone who rides their bike to work or school each day, takes multiple standing or walking breaks throughout the day, and plays with their pets every night. The second person would have a much higher caloric output simply because they added small, yet enjoyable activities to their daily routine!
Losing weight or staying active does not have to be a miserable experience as most people make it out to be. You do not need miles of running, grueling strength workouts in the gym, or extremely low caloric deficits. Instead, while fueling your body with adequate amounts of healthful food and nutrients, focus on the energy you spend through fun activities outside of the gym. On a day off, take your parents, siblings, or significant other on a hike outdoors. If the weather is bad, go shopping and walk through the mall. Play a fun game of pickup basketball or hockey in the driveway, you don't have to be an athlete to enjoy some sports! Or simply, stick to the basics and go for a walk. You don't actually have to do anything other than just walk or move to increase your NEAT. Plug in an audiobook or listen to your favorite album while you do it and enjoy some time to yourself!